
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Amazon Cops Out on Horror Best List

After releasing their overall top 100 last week, Amazon began publishing their genre top 10 lists.  As I was looking through them, I noticed there was not a top horror list.  Okay, I thought, that's fine.  That is, I thought that until I looked at this top 10 list for "Mystery and Thriller:"

This list has 3 horror titles in it: The Passage, Full Dark, No Stars, and Horns!  If 3 of the top 10 "Mystery and Thriller" novels are pure horror books, why not have a horror list, Amazon?

Don't get me wrong, I am VERY happy that 3 horror titles are in this list, but if there are that many great horror books this year, shouldn't they get their own list? Just asking.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% Not only are they doing there readers a disservice,it undermines a publishers ability to represent an author effectively. If anything there should be a clear Horror Genre List and subsets within Horror..Cheers!
