
Friday, October 14, 2011

31 Days of Horror: Day 14-- Horror Resources Updated

I have updated the resources archive.  You can always access it here, but while I add things periodically throughout the year, I really only go through the entire thing once a year.

Today I will make it easy for you and reproduce the updated list.  Enjoy.  And let me know your favorite horror resource and I'll add it.

Horror RA Print Titles:
Print Titles by Horror Writers on Appreciating Horror:
Horror Web Resources:
  • The Black Glove: Horror Culture and Entertainment Magazine. Also check out the right gutter for a list of "Horrorheads to Watch."
  • "Everything that is horror"
  • Chizine: Fiction, poetry, interviews, and reviews
  • Dark Scribe Magazine: An online magazine about "the books that keep you up at night." Contains reviews, interviews, articles, essays and even their own awards all dealing with "dark fiction"
  • Fangoria: "America's Horror Magazine"
  • Fantastic Fiction: This is a great general fiction resources that has a lot of content on horror authors and titles. It also compiles awards won, short stories, and author web pages.
  • Fear Zone: Covers all horror media and has a specific "fiction zone"
  • Gothic.Net: "...a friendly community site designed to provide a supportive venue for Gothic culture and horror literature and the creative and artistic people interested in them.".
  • The Horror Fiction Review: Reviews, editorials, archives, interviews. Very thoughtful and well organized
  • Horror Hound Magazine: "Filling your bloody appetite for all things horror"
  • Horror Masters Genre Lists: This site is great for collection development.
  • Horror Review: Horror Science Fiction and Fantasy Reviews
  • The Horror Writer's Association, and their blog, Dark Whispers
  • Horror World: A horror community where authors and readers can connect
  • Horror Zine:  An online literary journal with fiction, poetry, and artwork from morbidly creative people; monthly publication, established in 2009.
  • Horrorfind: A horror portal and search engine
  • International Thriller Writers: a professional writers association that includes many popular horror writers. They have monthly reviews, interviews, and articles. This is a great place to locate information about the most mainstream horror writers.
  • io9 is an online science fiction magazine that also covers horror.
  • Monster Librarian: It is what it sounds like, librarians talking about horror for all age groups
  • Rue Morgue: "Horror in Culture and Entertainment."
  • Weird Tales: "The Unique, Fantastic, and Bizarre."
Blogs Worth a Look:

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