
Monday, October 17, 2011

31 Days of Horror: Day 17-- What's Your Favortie Scary Movie?

Today is a cross-post with RA for All's popular Monday Discussion feature.

Monday Discussion: What's Your Favorite Scary Movie

In honor of my Halloween celebration of 31 Days of Horror over on my other blog, the last Monday Discussion was all about your favorite scary books.  Today we are heading over to the screen.

I want to know what your favorite scary movies are.  I don't care if they are technically "horror," rather, I just want to know which movies most scare you and why

In Chapter 13: Moving Beyond the Haunted House: Whole Collection Options for Horror Readers of the new book, I suggest 10 horror movies for horror book fans, here are 5 to whet your appetite:
The Exorcist
Night of the Living Dead
The Ring
Rosemary’s Baby
The Shining
Of these, I still think The Exorcist is the best and scariest, mostly because it looks and feels so real.  Although, The Ring is a close second.

Now it is your turn.  What are your favorite scary movies?

Remember you can follow past Monday Discussions here.


  1. I was looking over the links for class and came across this post. My favorite scary movies? Oh boy, where do I start.

    The Thing
    Event Horizon
    Cabin Fever
    Dawn of the Dead(the remake)
    Trick 'r Treat
    Pumpkin Head
    Nightmare on Elm Street
    Let the Right One In
    At the Mouth of Madness
    Saw 2 (the second is what the first one should have been)
    The Devils Rejects
    Dog Soldiers
    The Grudge
    The Hitcher
    Pet Cemetery

    Here's a few suggestions to wet your whistle

  2. I have so many as well. I don't think I can list them all. Here are some of my favorites

    The Thing
    Dawn of the Dead remake
    Night of the Living Dead original
    The Exorcist
    The Horde (a great French Zombie film)
