
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Is the Zombie Apocalypse Here?

Okay, first I must have full disclosure.  I am reading the last book in Mira Grant's Newsflesh series which is all about a world where the cure for the common cold mixed with the cure for cancer has caused a small zombie problem. So although everything in this post is factually correct, please understand I am in a zombie apocalypse frame of mind.

But, oh my, did you see this article in the Miami Herald this past weekend about the naked guy who was eating another man's face.  It took 6 shots to make him stop.  He only stopped when he died.  Seriously.  Sounds like a zombie to me.

And I read this first in The New York Times.  It doesn't get any more serious than that.

And then, courtesy of io9, I saw this Tweet from the University of Illinois: "Hazardous materials released at Institute for Genomic Biology.  Escape area if safe to do so.  Otherwise seek shelter."

First Miami and now my home state.  Freaky....

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