
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Planning

It is hard to believe that October 1st is now less than a month away.  But, I am already deep into the planning of this year's 31 Days of Horror celebration.

While last year's event focused on authors trying to explain why they love to write horror, this year, I am asking librarians to share their favorite scary books.

I will also have many reviews and updates on other resources you should check out throughout the month.

As I gear up to October, look for more activity here on the horror arm of RA for All, leading up to the daily posts...all 31 days, even weekends... beginning 10/1.

It should be a terrifyingly good time.

If you work in a library, bookstore, or for a publisher and are interested in sharing your favorite horror story with me, please contact me at zombiegrl75[at]gmail[dot]com.

I cannot promise in advance to include unsolicited guest posts, but I will consider them and get back to you.

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