
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

31 Days of Horror-- Day 1: The Terror Begins With A Great Movie!

Welcome to my personal horror, filling 31 days in a row with useful, entertaining, and interesting horror content for you, the librarian. [Cue the blood curdling scream]

I have no idea why I do this to myself every single year. I guess I love the punishment.

No seriously, I take my position as libraryland's reigning horror maven very seriously. I know you are all out there trying to serve your patrons as best you can. I also know how hard it is to keep up with the overwhelming number of books in what has become an ever expanding world of genres.

I am in a unique place to help you all look brilliant as you respond to horror requests. Since this is when you get the most horror related inquiries, I try to ramp up my game to meet demand.

So let's get started....

Today I have a fun announcement of a horror movie that will be filming in Chicago.  I also think it sets a nice tone for the start of this month's marathon.

The movie is called Killer Pinata.  First a teaser...

The best places to go to learn all about Killer Pinata, it's filming schedule [Logan Square in Chicago, beginning in November] is on their IndieGoGo page, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

But I also asked writer/director Stephen Tramontana to share some thoughts with you here. 

Take it away Stephen:
"There were two events that lead to the creation of this cinematic gold. The first was that the four of us have watched almost every bad horror and Sci-Fi movie streaming on Netflix. I'm serious, we won't even look at it unless it's 1 or 2 stars. "
"The second was that we were going to get a pinata for Nick's 32nd birthday, and started discussing the horrible lives pinatas live. They're basically created to be destroyed. That gave way to what would if happen if a pinata had enough, and took revenge on behalf of his people. We looked to see if this movie existed, discovered it did not, and decided to make it ourselves. Because the world needs this kind of movie."
"We all have skill sets that assure this will be a great B-movie (that is not an oxymoron, ha). Jenn and Nick are very organized, coordinated, and crafty, so as producers they'll make sure the production has what it needs and finishes on time. Paul has a fantastic eye and is very technical to boot, so the movie will look good. And I just had a script final at the Austin Film Festival, and it's going into production this year with Brian Murphy producing and Jason Cox directing." [Click here for all of their impressive qualifications.]
"It'll be filmed entirely in Logan Square, so it won't look like a lot of other horror films. Our goal is to pay homage to the early Peter Jackson films, the Troma films, the direct-to-video early 90s films like Dolly Dearest and Pinocchio's  Revenge. Filming will begin the first week of November. "
Becky back here now.  I also wanted to let you know that they are currently in the midst of a giveaway to mark the end of their funding drive.  This would be fun information for you to pass on to your horror fans who might want to get involved.  Right now, as long as someone donates at least $10 to the campaign, they'll be entered into the drawing with a chance to win the new 15 disc Halloween Blu-Ray box set. The winner will be announced this Saturday. 

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