
Sunday, October 19, 2014

31 Days of Horror-- Day 19: True Crime for Horror Fans

Attention Librarians!  Horror readers are no different than your other genre readers. Although they may prefer horror, it is not the only thing they read. In fact, it is our job as Reader’s Advisors to use our knowledge and resources to help our patrons to identify new books they might enjoy if only they knew these books existed.

In my book, I have an entire chapter on “whole collection” options for horror fans.  You can also find posts on these options by using my “not quite horror” tag her on the blog.

But today, I wanted to highlight one of the most common crossover genres for horror fans...True Crime.  Thankfully, they are easy to find at the library since they are all shelved together under the same Dewey number (364.1523), but the quality in that large section of books ranges widely. 

So, here are my favorite lists and resources to suggest some True Crime to your horror fans:

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