
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2015 Women in Horror Month: Links and Schedule

It's February which means it is time for Women in Horror Month. From the official webpage:
Women in Horror Month (WiHM) assist female genre artists in gaining opportunities, exposure, and education through altruistic events, printed material, articles, interviews, and online support. WiHM seeks to expose and break down social constructs and miscommunication between female professionals while simultaneously educating the public about discrimination and how they can assist the female gender in reaching equality.
As a woman in horror, I am participating with post 2x a week for the entire month focusing on the contributions of women to the genre.

Today, to kick off the event on my blog I wanted to start with some library friendly resources on the topic:

So peruse these links to get you started and I will be back 2x a week all month with posts that spotlight some of the best women in horror.

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