
Sunday, October 6, 2019

31 Days of Horror: Day 6-- Understanding Some Current Trends

A few days ago I wrote about the current trend of the history of horror having a strong pull on the works of the present. Today, I wanted to point out a few more current trends in horror, and give you a link where you can read more about it.

First off is Cosmic Horror because it is similar to the Lovercraftian influences I talked about in that history post, but it is a bit different in that cosmic horror includes works that came before Lovecraft and those since which have taken it in a different direction that no longer points back directly to Lovecraft himself.

I have two resources here. First here is an excellent Intro to Cosmic Horror that was published by Book Riot. And second, if you want to learn about Cosmic Horror through a discussion of its works in many mediums [but mostly stories] listen to author Mary SanGiovanni's Cosmic Shenanigans podcast.

Another popular trend in horror right now is Body Horror, specifically how it is being used by female authors to reclaim the subgenre. You can read the wikipedia article on Body Horror but I especially liked this recent piece by author Julia Armfield entitled, On Body Horror and the Female Body, via PW.

Finally, Splatterpunk is a subgenre of horror that was popular, fell out of favor, and is making a huge comeback. This is Horror is starting a multi-part series on the subgenre that began with this piece outlining its history and listing some key titles. You can also use this link to pull up all of their posts about Splatterpunk in reverse chronological order.

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