
Sunday, October 2, 2022

31 Days of Horror: Day 2-- Becky Created Horror Resources [w/ a coupon]

Yesterday, I introduced the "why" behind this annual blog-a-thon, but today, I want to point out a few of the original resources that I have for you to use right away or anytime.

First and most obviously is the third edition of my book which came out last year. That book plus the bonus annotated lists are available immediately for you to help readers. You can get the book in print, ebook, or both. And the bonus annotations by subgenre/theme are here.

And for those of you reading this post can use the coupon code RAGH22 for $5 off at this link.

Each year I am also hired by at least a few people to give an updated version of my Horror RA program. This year, I gave it for the first time last month, but here are the slides for when I am presenting in late October. This is the most concise and up to date assessment of the entire genre for the general library worker. 

I also want to highlight my page where I archive all of my original work in one place. Here is the direct link to my Archive of Becky's Lists, Articles, and Presentations but I have also recreated the page below.

This page has links to my best of the year lists going back to 2005, access to the interviews I do for LJ, my genre previews, and more. This page is the best place for you to go for up to date and vetted backlist Horror RA materials.

Again, I am posting the entire page below but you can always access  it here. Tomorrow, I am back with my 2 most recent reviews from Booklist as we being our march through October together for yet another year. I promise to make it worth your time.

Over the years I have created many annotated lists of horror books worth your time. This page will serve as an archive of those pre-blog lists and as a repository for any new lists.

Archive of Becky's Lists, Articles, and Presentations [updated October 2022]

Occasionally, I take over Library Journal Readers Shelf Column:
I regularly write articles and give presentations about horror. Here is a link to the most up to date presentation slides from October 2022. [Older slides can be found by some deep searching of the blog or by contacting me.]

Here are some of the articles I have written:

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