
Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 days of Horror: Day 26-- Love for Monster Librarian

I love working in libraries. There is very little competition; instead it is replaced by tons of collaboration.  Take the great people over at Monster Librarian, the only other resource out there specifically for horror in libraries besides this one. We have worked together in the past, guest posting for each other.

They have a site with tons of reviews and a useful blog.  Here is the link to their Halloween Horrors 2013 page.

On the blog this month in particular they have run a wonderful Horror related Teen Read Week series, and a great list of witch books (just perfect for those of you, like me, who are loving the new season of American Horror Story).

It is also important to note that Monster Librarian is focused on horror for ALL AGES at the library, while this blog is more focused on adult with a bit of YA considerations.

The editor over at Monster Librarian, Kirsten was also gracious enough to share her first "scary" book experience with me.

So remember RA for All: Horror and Monster Librarian all year long.  We are here for libraries during and beyond the Halloween season. Together we make a pretty terrifying team!

Here's Kirsten.....


The first book I remember as being truly scary is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. I first read it when I was five years old. There was the beautiful, terrible White Witch, and the disagreeable Edmund's awful betrayal, and the terrifying scene at the Stone Table, where the Witch and her evil companions foully kill the great Aslan. That first time, when I realized Aslan was truly dead, and evil had triumphed over good, it felt like the world was crumbling. With just a few words, Lewis permanently imprinted that in my head. I know it's the opposite of his intention, but it's the terror that stays with me,  not the story of redemption.

Kirsten Kowalewski is editor for, a book review website devoted to helping librarians with reader's advisory and collection development in the horror genre, and helping horror readers of all ages find their next good book. 

Visit our blogs: 

Musings of the Monster Librarian (commentary and resources for reader's advisory and collection development)

Reading Bites (paranormal and horror fiction reviews for teens)

What's New (links to new reviews)

Or, get it all in one place and visit us on Facebook at 

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