
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

New Book for a Great Cause

One of the missions of RA for All:Horror is to highlight YA and adult horror that is best suggested in a public library atmosphere.

I love to alert librarians to good, new, under the radar horror titles.  I am even happier to promote these books when the author is one of us. Today I want to talk about The Tormentors by Jack Phoenix

Jack Phoenix is a librarian in Ohio who described how I feel sometimes when he wrote to me:
"Not a lot of my coworkers read horror, and sometimes it can be a challenge to connect the right horror-reader with the right horror book, so I will be sharing this [RA for All: Horror]  with my colleagues."
I know Jack. It is tough out there in the library world for us horror lovers. It is my goal to change that. I am not going to make librarians love horror, but I can make them better able to assist horror patrons. [Hint: Buy the book and use the coupon code.]

Jack got in touch with me because he has a new horror novel out with Damnation Books, a publisher I like and respect in the genre.  It is entitled, The Tormentors. Again from Jack:
"The Tormentors tells the story of a prosperous family man whose mind and life unravel as he is hounded by three hellish women only he can see. While everyone around him believes him to be going mad, it is up to his wife Elizabeth to uncover the dark secrets of Roderick’s past that could save his sanity…or secure his punishment."

I have not read Jack's book myself...yet, but I am alerting you all to it for two reasons.  First, he is one of us...a librarian.  But more importantly, he is donating the royalties from the book to women's shelters and to the Ohio Domestic Violence Network.  Click here for more details. Also, some people have read it already and enjoyed it.  Click here to see what they have to say.

I for one am ordering a copy for our library. I am not only impressed that he is using the book to help out a good cause, but a librarian who writes ABOUT horror, I appreciate having some back-up within the profession.

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