Summer Scares Resources

Click here to immediately access the Summer Scares Resource page so that you can add some professionally vetted horror titles into your reading suggestions and fiction collections for all age levels.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Special Edition of Their Monstrous Hearts

Today I have an ARC of one of the hottest books of Spring (a book so hot I lost out on the chance to review it) and a finished book by a lesser known voice making this a 2 book prize-pack week. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.

Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Jennifer from Ohio. Now on to this week's giveaway. 

Turkish author, Yiğit Turhan, is getting a lot of buzz for his debut Horror novel, Their Monstrous Hearts, drawing attention and advanced praise from authors as diverse as Clay McLeod Chapman, Cynthia, Pelayo, Douglas Coupland, and Andrew Sean Greer, Pop star Dua Lipa is even a fan. 

Catching the hint of the buzz early, I reviewed the novel in the January 2025 issue of LJ:

Three Words That Describe This Book: 2 narratives, family secrets, slow burn leading to existential terror

Draft Review: Time has run out for Riccardo, a 20 year old orphan, living off the advance of a book he is unable to even start, let alone deliver to his publisher. Until a stranger knocks on his door, alerting him that the Turkish immigrant grandmother he adored as a child, died rather suddenly and left her Italian villa and cherished butterfly collection to him. Once in Milan, Riccardo finds more questions than answers about her death, her life, and her obsession with butterflies. When he stumbles upon a manuscript written in her script with the label “To Riccardo,” readers and Riccardo begin to unravel the mystery. But why did no one give him this text when he arrived? And why does he still feel unsafe? Told in both points of view, what begins as a slow burn Gothic Fable ventures out of its cocoon and transforms into a compelling, suspenseful and lush Dark Fantasy, completing its metamorphosis with one final twist, emerging as an existentially terrifying tale that will take readers through the emotional wringer and leave them distrustful of butterflies forevermore.

Verdict: A solid debut that can be given eagerly to fans of Horror framed by dark and dangerous family secrets such as Midnight Rooms by Coles, Mexican Gothic by Moreno-Garcia, and Now You're One of Us by Nonami.

"Nobody ever suspects the butterfly" I mean with that cover they might. But no, that is a great premise to shape this book around. That's a quote from the middle-ish of the novel and it is the heart (pun intended) of why this story is so terrifying.

Well it finally comes out next month (April 8th), but I received a finished copy earlier this week, a first edition, with gorgeous red edges with black butterflies (photo of this exact copy above). Since I have already read and enjoyed the book, I want to give it away to one of you. And since it is a finished copy, I am encouraging you to get it on the shelf. But good news, you have some time to read it for yourself before it is released as well.

A solid debut horror novel by a Turkish author...I know you don't have one of those already. What a way to introduce your readers to a new voice. And with the list of people who have blurbed it and my list of readalikes, you can see how wide the appeal is here.

Thanks to the publisher for providing this amazing finished, first edition for me to share with one of you.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: New Chuck Wendig and a Bonus Book

Today I have an ARC of one of the hottest books of Spring (a book so hot I lost out on the chance to review it) and a finished book by a lesser known voice making this a 2 book prize-pack week. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.

Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Sean from IL. Now on to this week's giveaway. 

Chuck Wendig has a new novel coming April 29th.

The Staircase in the Woods  by Chuck Wendig.

A group of friends investigates the mystery of a strange staircase in the woods in this mesmerizing horror novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Accidents.

Five high school friends are bonded by an oath to protect one another no matter what.

Then, on a camping trip in the middle of the forest, they find something a mysterious staircase to nowhere.

One friend walks up—and never comes back down.

Then the staircase disappears. Twenty years later, the staircase has reappeared. Now the group returns to find the lost boy—and what lies beyond the staircase in the woods. . . .

As I mentioned above, I asked to review it in Booklist, but it was already claimed by someone else.  From that review:

"Continuing his streak of top-flight fiction, Wendig gifts us this Gothic-tinged horror story. ...Another first-rate novel from an author whose imagination and talent seem to know no bounds."

I know you all are already ordering this one as Wendig continues to be a must buy for all library collections with every new novel. But I want to share an ARC (courtesy of the publisher) with one lucky winner, along with a finished copy of an author I am pretty sure you do NOT know about-- Ray Van Horn Jr.

Behind the Shadows by Ray Van Horn Jr

Conjuring ten haunting tales to bring a shiver down your spine, author Ray Van Horn, Jr. shares a mixtape blend reminiscent of EC Comics and 80s horror: unsettling narratives to invade your dreams and keep you up at night.

"Ray Van Horn, Jr.'s obvious love for the movies, music, comics, and -yes- the horror fiction of the 1980s bleeds through every page of BEHIND THE SHADOWS. Ray's got the good stuff here, folks." - Dayton Ward, New York Times best-selling author, Star Trek universe

"Like the great EC comics of yore, BEHIND THE SHADOWS is a hell of a horror anthology - literally! It's gruesome, terrifying, and tinged with a punk attitude. What else do you need, and why are still reading this testimonial? Buy this damn book!" -Josh Eiserike, author THE VERY FINAL LAST GIRLS; CHARM CITY; G.I. JOE: RENEGADES 

"You wanna know what's BEHIND THE SHADOWS? Ray Van Horn, Jr. is more than happy to show you. Fractured families and frothing creatures. Endless nights and pulsing darkness. It's a nostalgic ride back to the horrors of your youth. Logic isn't always logical, and the horrors don't always end when the lights come on. But it's a damn good time!" -John Boden, author SNARL and THE ETIQUETTE OF BOOBY TRAPS

This finished book is courtesy of the author and will be in the package with the Wendig for one lucky winner.

Remember, you enter once and you are entered going forward.

Good luck. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Summer Scares FREE Resource Guide is Now Live

 Click here or see below.

Summer Scares 2025 Resources for Library Workers

Below is a list of resources for any library to use in order to participate in Summer Scares. If you are interested in hosting a Summer Scares author at your library (free virtual appearances for any, in person on a case by case basis), please email libraries at horror dot org.

  • The Summer Scares 2025 Title Announcement
    • Titles also listed below
    • Graphics folder access, with the logo and collages for all of the books and books by category (courtesy of committee member Kelly Jensen)
  • Click here to download the FREE 2025 Summer Scares Programming Guide
    • New this year-- content provided by members of the HWA's Library Advisory Council
  • Booklist hosts a series of webinars with each set of 3 authors and the recordings will all be FREE to view. Links below to access them all.
    • 2025 MG authors in conversation with Julia Smith, Senior Editor, Books for Youth
    • 2025 YA authors in conversation with Kendare Blake, Author and 2025 Summer Scares Spokesperson
      • Live on 3/20/25 at 2pm eastern
      • click here to signup (link coming soon)
    • 2025 Adult authors in conversation with Becky Spratford, Co-Chair HWA Library Committee
      • Live on 3/24/25 at 2pm eastern
      • click here to signup (link coming soon)
  • Listen to Committee members and some librarians who use Summer Scares in their libraries talk about the program in general and this year's selected titles on Booklist's Shelf Care
    • Link coming soon

More links coming as the year progresses..... See 2025 titles below.

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Adult Selections:

Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes by Eric LaRocca (Titan Books, 2022)

Reprieve by James Han Mattson (William Morrow, 2021)

The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling (Harper Voyager, 2019)

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Young Adult Selections:

Devils Unto Dust by Emma Berquist (Greenwillow, 2018)

The Getaway by Lamar Giles (Scholastic Press, 2022)

Find Him Where You Left Him Dead by Kristen Simmons (Tor Teen, 2023)

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Middle Grade Selections:

Eerie Tales from the School of Screams by Graham Annable (First Second, 2022)

Ravenous Things by Derrick Chow (Disney Hyperion, 2022)

Hide and Seeker by Daka Hermon (Scholastic Press, 2020)

Monday, February 24, 2025

The 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Final Ballot

The image a picture of the haunted house statue that winners receive with the name of the award to its left BRAM STOKER AWARDS in red font

Yesterday, the 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Final Ballot was released. These are for books and stories published in 2024.

It is a strong ballot. I have included every nominee in all 13 categories over on the main blog so that the authors and titles are searchable by the most number of people, but in particular, I want to note that Novel, Long Fiction (novella), and First Novel are stacked. I have reviewed I reviewed 12 of the 15 nominees.

Full disclosure, I am an active member of the HWA and will be voting but honestly, I am going to have to really think about my vote. I am not kidding when I say this-- those categories could come down to a single vote. 

As resource, the Bram Stoker Awards® are one of the best, and I don't just say this because I am on the Board for the HWA (The Awards are administered by a separate committee and I have no contact with the voting process). The awards have their own separate website that is there to use to keep track of every award winner, for every year. But you can also search by author and title. 

For example, if you want to see all the times Stephen Graham Jones has been nominated and won, you can put his name in the search box and then go to this page with all of the information in one place.

Also there is a timeline on the left side bar when you click on the menu for "Winners/Nominees." Simply click on a date to see who was nominated and won that year.

So many ways to search to find a treasure trove of critically acclaimed horror titles to showcase in your library or add to your collections. It is one of the top resources for you, the library worker, as you assist patrons looking for their next scary read.

Click here to head over to the main blog for all the info, or just click here to go to the the Bram Stoker Awards® website.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Lethe Press 4 book Prize Pack

Today I have a stack of books by one of my favorite small presses. 2 finished books and 2 ARCs-- all for 1 lucky winner. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.
Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Kim from OH. Now on to this week's giveaway.

Lethe Press website banner
Lethe Press is a trusted small press. Their tag line is: "We're Weird and Queer....and Unashamed!" Their website is easy to navigate and has lots of information about their books and how to order them. They put out quality titles with bin terms of the writing/editing and how well they stand up to multiple checkouts.

They put out books by well known authors and ups and comers. They regularly publish Philip Frassi, for example. That book got a star review from me! And in the stack I am giving away there are two author you need to know: James Bennett and Tyler Jones names you need to know.

Speaking of my stack, here it is:

A stack of the books I am giving away. The spines with titles/authors from top to bottom are: THE DEATH IF MOUNTAINS Jordan Kurella, James Bennett- PRECHING TO THE PEVERTED, PUSHING DAISY Christopher O'Halloran, BURN THE PLANS Tyler Jones. More details in the text of the post.
Below I will list the titles and link to the Lethe Press site for more information, but because there are 4 titles, I will not have the entire plot description-- that would make this post absurdly long. But I am including a blurb so you know a bit before clicking through for more information. 

The titles are:

The Death of Mountain by Jordan Kurella (ARC- book coming March 31).
"Fans of folkloric fiction with a strong moral bent will find much to savor." - Publishers Weekly

Preaching to the Perverted by James Bennett (finished copy):

"I really loved this collection. It has great range - Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling's fairy tale series, cosmic horror, noir, The Prestige, coming of age stories, the gothic of Mary Shelley - but there's nothing derivative about it. It's heartfelt and gutsy. Filled with beautiful horrors and heartbreaks. James Bennett is a superb writer." - Priya Sharma, World Fantasy Award-winning author of Pomegranates

Pushing Daisy by Christopher O'Halloran  (ARC- book coming May 2025)

Daisy did not get the life she deserved. Despite her compassion, nothing she did made a difference in the world. With her through it all was her selfish, bitter husband, working a job he hated while they lived off her income as a nurse. The peace Daisy has carried in life does not follow her to the grave. A dead, bloodshot eye glowers from a dark bathroom. Below it, her deranged smile. Daisy, a mad corpse, haunts their townhouse. She’s back and intent on punishing Roger Darling for his mistreatment. Her death shook him enough to brave his faults, but this improved man does her no good now. He can try to escape into the arms of others, but at the end of the day, we all return home. To keep his new friends and maintain his sanity, Roger must help Daisy move on before her violence touches everything he’s built. She won’t leave on her own. Not for a second time.

Burn the Plans by Tyler Jones (Finished copy of an Esquire "Best horror of the year.")

“Trust me: Get this collection. Tyler is an amazing storyteller and he will crush you with the weight of these stories.” – Sadie Hartmann “Mother Horror,” author of 101 Horror Books to Read Before You’re Murdered

There it is! Four books going to one winner. What a great giveaway! Enter once and you are entered going forward. And I have a lot of the major titles for Spring and Summer in my possession ready to give away as soon as their reviews post. So you will want to get yourself entered now!

In the meantime, I have been enjoying focusing on smaller presses to get the word out about some great books you might not see covered other places.

Scheduling note: I am visiting family next week so there will be no giveaway. It will return on March 6th. But entries are always accepted.

Good luck. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Announcing the 2025 Summer Scares Titles

Click on the image to access
a folder with the logo graphics 

In celebration of National Library Lover’s Day, the Horror Writers Association (HWA), in partnership in partnership with Booklist, Book Riot, iREAD, and NoveList®, a division of EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), is delighted to announce the seventh annual Summer Scares reading list, which includes titles selected by a panel of authors and library workers and is designed to promote Horror as a great reading option for all ages, during any time of the year.

"Is anyone else already missing Halloween? Is anyone else already dying for summer? Well great news! SUMMER SCARES combines both of our loves with a carefully curated list of horrifying books, giving you the perfect excuse to read chilling tales in hot weather! (If indeed you needed an excuse),” said #1 New York Times Bestseller author Kendare Blake, this year’s Summer Scares spokesperson. “I am so excited about every one of these books; they're creepy and delightful, brutal and terrifying, inventive and just plain good reads. The committee has done a bang-up job--there's truly something here for everyone, but why not try them all? Young or old(er), the time has come to fill your scary reading lists."

Every year, three titles are selected in each of three categories: Adult, Young Adult, and Middle Grade. For 2025 those selected titles are:

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Adult Selections:

Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes by Eric LaRocca (Titan Books, 2022)

Reprieve by James Han Mattson (William Morrow, 2021)

The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling (Harper Voyager, 2019)

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Young Adult Selections:

Devils Unto Dust by Emma Berquist (Greenwillow, 2018)

The Getaway by Lamar Giles (Scholastic Press, 2022)

Find Him Where You Left Him Dead by Kristen Simmons (Tor Teen, 2023)

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Middle Grade Selections:

Eerie Tales from the School of Screams by Graham Annable (First Second, 2022)

Ravenous Things by Derrick Chow (Disney Hyperion, 2022)

Hide and Seeker by Daka Hermon (Scholastic Press, 2020)

Summer Scares aims to introduce Horror titles to school and public library workers so they can start conversations with readers that extend beyond the books on each list and promote reading for years to come. In addition to the annual list of recommended titles, the Summer Scares Programming Guide, produced each year by the Springfield-Greene County (MO) Library– free for any library to access– is back with the tools libraries need to connect with their patrons. 

“The 2025 guide, developed by the HWA’s Library Advisory Council, is the library worker’s roadmap to providing exciting and meaningful experiences for their patrons through Summer Scares, whether they're putting up book displays, hosting author events, or planning an entire Summer Scares program series,” states Konrad Stump, co-creator of the programming guide. “We are also excited to enhance our partnership with iREAD by selecting one title in each age group that fits iREAD’s 2025 theme, “Level Up at Your Library,” as well as creating sample partner programs with their input.” The guide will be available beginning March 1, 2025 on the Summer Scares Resource page at

Along with the guide, the Summer Scares committee will work with both the recommended list authors and Horror authors from all over the country to provide free programming to libraries. Any library looking to host horror-themed events anytime of year is encouraged to email to get started.

Booklist is helping to kick off Summer Scares 2025 in March with a series of three, free webinars with this year’s featured authors in conversation with committee members:

  • Monday, March 10, 2025, at 2pm Eastern, featuring our Middle Grade authors and moderated by Julia Smith
  • Thursday, March 20, 2025, at 2pm Eastern, featuring our Young Adult authors and moderated by Kendare Blake
  • Monday March 24, 2025, at 2pm Eastern, featuring our Adult authors and moderated by Becky Spratford 
Each webinar lasts one hour. Anyone may register to participate for free at Recordings will be available for on-demand viewing after the live events at

All are welcome to join the Summer Scares committee and featured authors at the HWA’s Librarians’ Day, taking place in person on Friday, June 13, 2025 in Stamford, CT as part of StokerConⓇ. Details at:

The HWA is a non-profit organization of writers and publishing professionals and the oldest organization dedicated to the Horror/Dark Fiction genre. One of the HWA’s missions is to foster an appreciation of reading through extensive programming and partnerships with libraries, schools, and literacy-based organizations.

The 2025 Summer Scares program committee consists of author Kendare Blake, HWA Library Committee Co-Chairs Becky Spratford and Konrad Stump, as well as academic library director Carolyn Ciesla, Book Riot Editor and YA specialist Kelly Jensen, Booklist Editor and Middle Grade specialist Julia Smith, and Manager of Reader Services at NoveList Yaika Sabat.

For more information about the Summer Scares reading program, including committee member bios and how to obtain promotional materials and schedule events with the authors/committee members, please visit The Summer Scares Resource Page ( or email HWA Library Committee Co-Chairs Becky Spratford and Konrad Stump at libraries at horror dot org.

Click on the image to access all of 
the 2025 Summer Scares collages

Thursday, February 13, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: Blood Cypress by Elizabeth Broadbent

Today I have an early finished copy of a book that is not out until April 3, from a series of novellas by different authors that I am already on the record as loving. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.
Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Christina from MA. Now on to this week's giveaway.

Raw Dog Screaming Press is one of my favorite and most trusted small presses in Horror. They have won major awards, appeared on numerous main stream best lists, and most importantly for us in libraries, you can buy their books through your normal ordering procedures. 

Back in 2023 they began a great series of standalone novellas in a series called, Selected Papers From the Consortium for the Study go Anomalous Phenomena. From Goodreads:
The Selected Papers from the Consortium for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena (CSAP) is a line of novellas curated by editor/academic R.J. Joseph. She serves both as editor for the line and also imaginary “Crypt-Keeper,” introducing each tale as a found document and part of the fictional journal produced by the CSAP society.

There are now 7 books in the series (click here for a full list). In the January 2024 issue of Library Journal, I reviewed Book #2 and LOVED it. Now, Book #7 is set to come out on April 3, 2025, Blood Cypress by Elizabeth Broadbent. From the publisher's description:

No one cares when Lila Carson’s ten-year-old brother Beau disappears. He can’t speak. He throws tantrums. He’s a useless Carson, one of those kids in a broken-shuttered house that lost its glory when his father died. When the sheriff and his good ol’ boy deputies show up to investigate, they eye up Lila and call her twin brother, Quentin, names. A closeted bisexual girl in the South, she’s terrified. 
Lower Congaree recites it like an eleventh commandment: Don’t go in that swamp. But as the long night drags on, it’s clear Beau disappeared behind those ancient trees. The sheriff’s deputies won’t risk going back there.
Lila might not have a choice.

I trust this series and this author and I would encourage all of you to order all 7 books in this novella series. Here is the info from the Raw Dog Screaming Press site about how to order their books for your library. But this week, one lucky winner is going to get a finished copy of this book, 6 weeks before it releases courtesy of Broadbent herself.

Enter today and you are entered going forward.

Good luck!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Primer to Gemma Files-- Finished Hard Cover Copy

Today I have a finished copy of a book of short fiction by Horror master Gemma Files, from a great series of books. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.
Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Lucy from MO. Now on to this week's giveaway.

Eric Guignard is an award winning writer and editor. In 2017 he launched an ambitious series of "primer" books exploring short dark fiction through his small press. All of the books are created in conjunction with the authors as well. I have been a supporter of this series since it launched. Click here to read a guest post by Guignard when I asked him to introduce the new series to my readers.

The series has keep chugging along with Guignard showcasing the work of the genre's most important short fiction writers in gorgeous hardcover books. Click here to see all seven titles. 

In honor of the release of the latest book in the series, I am offering a giveaway of a finished hardcover copy (courtesy of Guignard) of Exploring Dark Short Fiction #7: A Primer to Gemma Files. From the publisher's description:
Named "One of the genre's most original and innovative voices" (L.A. Review of Books) and "An expert at terrifying prose" (LitReactor), Canadian author Gemma Files has been penning gritty and macabre fiction since 1993, earning industry awards and critical acclaim from sources such as National Public Radio, Publishers Weekly, and The National Post. Files imbues her cross-genre work with layers like dark heartbreak upon horror, built over the vignettes of life we may find ourselves in, but for one slight turn of reality.

Dark Moon Books and editor Eric J. Guignard bring you this introduction to her work, the seventh in a series of primers exploring modern masters of literary dark short fiction. Herein is a chance to discover-or learn more of-the evocative voice of Gemma Files, as beautifully illustrated by artist Michelle Prebich.  

Included within these pages are: 
• Six short stories, one written exclusively for this book 
• Author interview 
• Biography and bibliography 
• Academic commentary by Michael Arnzen, PhD (former humanities chair and professor of the year, Seton Hill University) 
• … and more! 

 Enter this doorway to the vast and fantastic: Get to know Gemma Files.

Consider adding this and all of the books in the series to your horror collections. They make for a great introduction to all of the authors' work as well as offering a brand new story to fans. There are also a great option for high school students who need to do an author project.

Enter now and you are entered going forward. 

Good luck!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: Casual by Koji A Dae

 Today I have an advanced copy of a book, out next month, from a solid small press that appeared on Literary Hub's Most Anticipated Books of 2025 list. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.
Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Michelle from IA. Now on to this week's giveaway.

I regularly get ARCs from Tenebrous Press. I have been able to review a few myself, and I have passed some on to my editors so others can read and review as well. 

Awhile back, I received a review copy of Casual by Koji A. Dae. It looked good but I did not have time to review it. However, Booklist was able to assign it and a review will be in the magazine soon. 

In the meantime, the book also showed up on Literary Hub's Most Anticipated Book of 2025 list! They only picked 291 books total for the list and this was one of them. 

It comes out in February so this, the last giveaway of January seems like a greta time to alert you to it.

From the Tenebrous site:
Valya’s neural implant is amazing.

Its game-like app, CASUAL, has managed her depression and anxiety, stabilized her mood, and helped the infertile Valya get pregnant. But new laws forbid her from using the device when she's sole caregiver for her infant. Her gaslighting ex won't help her, and she can't afford a nanny, so her obstetrician insists that Valya wean off CASUAL before giving birth.

Despite a will to quit and a supportive new love interest in her birthing class, disabling CASUAL turns Valya's anxiety into full-blown panic attacks. Her psychiatrist offers to enroll her in a controversial clinical trial that would place a tandem implant in the baby and allow Valya to keep hers active. Valya must decide whether she should attempt parenting without CASUAL or install a minimally tested device in her vulnerable child.

Casual is a stark and cutting glance at a near future that looks uncannily like our present, exploring themes of bodily autonomy and the struggle for mental health in a world increasingly divided. 
Click through for more information about this book and how to order a copy for your library. 

Thank you to Tenebrous for the great, timely, and terrifying books and for working to get your books into the library market.

Get on this one and all future giveaways because if you enter once, you are entered going forward.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: A Finished Paperback of Boys in the Valley by Fracassi

Today I have a book that was one of the top reads of 2023 and to celebrate its paperback release I have a copy you can add to your collection immediately. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.
Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Joshua from IL. Now on to this week's giveaway.

Philip Fracassi's Boys in the Valley made quite a splash in 2023 garnering a blurb from Stephen King and being called, "The most frightening novel of the year," in Esquire. To celebrate the paperback release, Tor sent me a copy to give away to one of you. 

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, here is the publisher description of the book:

St. Vincent's Orphanage for Boys. 
Turn of the century, in a remote valley in Pennsylvania. 
Here, under the watchful eyes of several priests, thirty boys work, learn, and worship. Peter Barlow, orphaned as a child by a gruesome murder, has made a new life here. As he approaches adulthood, he has friends, a future... a family. 
Then, late one stormy night, a group of men arrive at their door, one of whom is badly wounded, occult symbols carved into his flesh. His death releases an ancient evil that spreads like sickness, infecting St. Vincent's and the children within. Soon, boys begin acting differently, forming groups. Taking sides. 
Others turn up dead. 
Now Peter and those dear to him must choose sides of their own, each of them knowing their lives — and perhaps their eternal souls — are at risk. 
The Exorcist meets Lord of the Flies, by way of Midnight Mass, in Boys in the Valley, a brilliant coming-of-age tale from award-winning author Philip Fracassi.
I would also highly recommend this title for book clubs. Now that it is in paperback, it is easier for you to buy or borrow more copies. 

Enter today for a chance to win this copy and you can put this paperback into your collections right away. Also, after you enter, go check your collections and make sure you own it. If not, order a copy or two.

Thanks again to Tor for the copy to provide this giveaway.

And good luck to everyone. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

#HorrorForLibraries Giveaway: 2 Books for 1 Winner, Including One of the Best Books of 2024

Today I have 2 books for one winner-- an ARC of a novella collection that I reviewed in this month's LJ and an ARC of one of the best short story collections from last year. Details below but first, here are the rules on how to enter:

  1. You need to be affiliated with an American Library. My rationale behind that is that I will be encouraging you to read these books and share them with patrons. While many of them are advanced reader copies that you cannot add to your collections, if you get the chance to read them, my hope is that you will consider ordering a copy for your library and give away the ARC away as a prize or pass it on to a fellow staff member.
  2. If you are interested in being included in any giveaway at any time, you must email me at zombiegrl75 [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "#HorrorForLibraries." In the body of the email all you have to say is that you want to be entered and the name of your library.
  3. Each entry will be considered for EVERY giveaway. Meaning you enter once, and you are entered until you win. I will randomly draw a winner on Fridays sometime after 5pm central. But only entries received by 5pm each week will be considered for that week. I use and have a member of my family witness the "draw"based off your number in the Google Sheet.
  4. If you win, you are ineligible to win again for 4 weeks; you will have to re-enter after that time to be considered [I have a list of who has won, when, and what title]. However, if you do not win, you carry over into the next week. There is NO NEED to reenter.
Click here for the previous giveaway. Our winner was Christopher from CA. Now on to this week's giveaway.

First up is Dead Writers by by 

From my Library Journal draft review:
 Four Canadian writers of dark literary fiction were brought together to make a single volume of novellas, using the prompt of “a bargain.” While each story is very different in plot and narrative style, they are united by the underlying sense of dread that permeates each tale, and as a result, the entire volume. From a haunting tale of a woman hired to write a complicated writer’s biography after he commits suicide to a found historical document about the atrocities at an Indigenous school to a vacation that provides anything but the peace and tranquilty promised in its title to a jarringly direct examination of the “deal with the devil” trope. These are works which contain no jumpscares but rather, their horror stems from the sense that something unavoidably uneasy weighs heavily on the “deals” the characters are offered. And then consider the anthology’s title alongside the fact that every narrator is a writer themselves, and you ratchet the fear up to another level. Verdict: A deeply unsettling and insidious anthology of four psychological horror novellas, feelings that will linger with readers after completion just like with Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil by Lima or the work of Samanta Schweblin.
Three Words That Describe This Book: themed novellas, deeply unsettling, psychological horror
Dead Writers will not get the wide coverage it deserves and I was happy to review it in LJ to help boost its visibility to libraries. Thank you to the publisher (Invisible Publishing) for sending me a paper ARC so that I can give it away to one of you.

I am purposely pairing it with a much more popular title, a short story collection that was a hit with critics and readers-- A Sunny Place for Shady People by Mariana Enríquez. From Goodreads:
Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Readers' Favorite Horror (2024).

A diabolical collection of stories featuring achingly human characters whose lives intertwine with ghosts, goblins, and the macabre, by “one of Latin America’s most exciting authors” (Silvia Moreno-Garcia)

On the shores of this river, all the birds that fly, drink, perch on branches, and disturb siestas with the demonic squawking of the possessed—all those birds were once women.

Welcome to Argentina and the fascinating, frightening, fantastical imagination of Mariana Enriquez. In twelve spellbinding new stories, Enriquez writes about ordinary people, especially women, whose lives turn inside out when they encounter terror, the surreal, and the supernatural. A neighborhood nuisanced by ghosts, a family whose faces melt away, a faded hotel haunted by a girl who dissolved in the water tank on the roof, a riverbank populated by birds that used to be women—these and other tales illuminate the shadows of contemporary life, where the line between good and evil no longer exists.

Lyrical and hypnotic, heart-stopping and deeply moving, Enriquez’s stories never fail to enthrall, entertain, and leave us shaken. Translated by the award-winning Megan McDowell, A Sunny Place for Shady People showcases Enriquez’s unique blend of the literary and the horrific, and underscores why Kazuo Ishiguro, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, calls her “the most exciting discovery I’ve made in fiction for some time.”

This book is out already, but this is an ARC, so you cannot add it to your collections, but you can use it for a prize, or read it for yourself and pass it on.

Both books are going to 1 winner. Enter now and you are entered going forward.

Good luck!