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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Day 30 Penultimate Thoughts and Last Minute Reading Suggestions

I have many things still to post, but alas, I am just about out of days, so today’s post is another catch all.

I also have 2 more tales of favorite scary books from BPL employees:
I still think that the scariest – not the most significant, not the most well written – but the scariest story I ever laid eyes on was written in 1798 by Charles Brockden Brown and is called Wieland, or The Transformation. It is the story of a seemingly normal man who slaughters his family in a fit of what he claims to be demon possession. The chapter devoted to his testimony of the killings is particularly chilling. He becomes, in essence, the narrator and rants in a madness that is awful and graphic to the point of dementia. The early American use of English compounds the impact. It is easy to see how the use of killer-as-narrator influenced later American writers like Edgar Allan Poe.  -John
[Note from Becky: You can read John’s suggestion for free right now by clicking here.]
When I was in middle school and high school, I loved Lois Duncan's creepy suspense novels.  Her characters were always normal kids who stumbled across something dark and dangerous.  My favorite was Down a Dark Hall. The main character Kit is accepted to an exclusive boarding school - so exclusive that she is one of only four students.  Though she can't quite put her finger on it, she knows instinctively that something is very wrong at Madame Duvet's Blackwood Boarding School.  Soon, Kit discovers the truth about why she and her fellow students were accepted to the school and what exactly Madame Duvet intends for them.  —Tara
An editorial note: I had a few book reviews I didn’t get to this month, both because I just didn’t write the reviews and because I am still reading the books.  So in November and December, I will be back with more reviews.

Look for 31 Days of Horror 2013 to end tomorrow morning with an awesome post that took massive will power from me to save it for the final day.

Have a safely horrific Halloween.

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